Life Coaching

Are you having problems with areas in your life that aren’t related to parenting?

It’s not just parents that need help. I offer coaching to help you deal with life’s troubles, whether they’re sprouting up at work, with friends or with family members.

We all have an inner child within us. It’s wounded and has learned a whole bunch of bad patterns to protect itself. And that inner child, with all its pain and warped ideas, fuels our reaction to everything!

We’d all do better with an adult in the driver’s seat, don’t you think?

That’s where I come in. I’ll help you get in touch with your inner child. We’ll understand how it’s showing up in your life through the different faces of the ego and we’ll handle its issues together.

You don’t need to have children to benefit from Conscious Parenting. Having an inner child gives you plenty to work with.

If you want a calmer, more manageable life, I can work with you to make it happen.

*Please note, there are some issues I can’t support my clients with. I am unable to provide therapy or counseling or any other form of treatment for mental health disorders.