Awakened parents see their children as their greatest teachers in consciousness.

What is Conscious Parenting?

Parents tend to use rewards, punishments and other forms of discipline to get their children to behave. The focus of traditional parenting is on molding the child.

A conscious parent realizes that kids aren’t playdough. Instead of molding them, they accept children as the whole people they are.

Those little humans can help you evolve. Instead of trying to control them, a conscious parent works on deepening their connection with their child and responds to them while grounded in the present moment – free from the workings of ego.

How does Conscious Parenting work?

Under all the layers of ego is the true self. Once parents discover their true self, they can tap into their essence and parent from a fearless and authentic place.

The Conscious Parenting approach works by teaching the parent to raise themselves first. When they learn to notice their inner child and all its pain, they can then meet their child’s needs.

Who is it for?

For parents that are done with the struggle. Conscious Parenting can support parents that…

  • Have tried traditional parenting methods and have found that they just don’t work
  • Are constantly anxious about their child’s future
  • Are ashamed of their past experiences with their child and want more positive experiences
  • Are dealing with children that have ‘undesirable’ behaviors (don’t listen, have meltdowns, are withdrawn, act out, are defiant etc.)
  • Are wanting to bond with their child at a much deeper level

How is coaching different from therapy?

Unlike therapy, coaching won’t ask you to wallow in the past. We simply tap into the past to drag out the belief systems you adopted in childhood.

Our real focus is on what is happening right now.

Coaching is quicker than therapy. You won’t need to see a coach for months on end. The goal is to equip you with the right tools so you can leave and succeed by yourself!

I’m a certified Conscious Parenting coach. Dr Shefali herself trained me up at her Conscious Coaching Institute. My training was rigorous and intense, giving me everything I need to support parents. However, it’s important you know that I am not a trained therapist. I cannot treat clients with clinical depression, high levels of anxiety, bipolar, eating disorders or patients that are suicidal.

If a client is already seeing a therapist for these issues, I am happy to work with them. However, if therapy is required and a therapist isn’t involved, I will need to refer the client out.

What does coaching look like?

We’ll have one-to-one sessions together for a minimum of six weeks. Though we’re doing life-changing work, every session with me is laidback and relaxed. Can lasting change happen overnight? Nope. So, naturally, the process will take some time.

You’ll be transforming yourself and going through the process of awakening! That’s no small thing. You’ll learn so much about yourself and will experience life through a different lens.

All our coaching sessions will be conducted through video conferences. That way you can be supported wherever you are in the world.

Who is Dr. Shefali?

Dr. Shefali Tsabary is a world-renowned clinical psychologist, who specializes in combining Eastern wisdom with Western psychology, creating a well-rounded approach.

She’s the author of best-selling parenting books The Conscious Parent and The Awakened Family. And of course, she’s the pioneer of the Conscious Parenting approach.

Oprah Winfrey endorsed Dr Shefali’s work, calling it ‘revolutionary’ and ‘life-changing’ – exactly what Conscious Parenting is!